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CAS Dig 2014
Our 5th Annual Spring Dig!!!
Two UoB students augering... scoping out the site for the next trench.
On site at the excavation with Board Member, Janet Bigney in background.
UoB students and Board Member, Scott Dawson on site digging/sifting for finds.
Charlie Goudge, lead UoB graduate student "in the trenches"!
Prof. Mark Horton, and archaeologist Rosie Ireland demonstrating the process of 'flotation.'
Prof Horton and Rosie Ireland drying the float samples.
Board Member, Janet Bigney, CAS Volunteers sifting for finds.
CAS members, Hamish Roberton and Mike Martin measuring out and setting up a trench.
UoB students cleaning the artifacts in the sun....
Finds cleaning and processing.
A distinguished visitor to our dig in 2014.. Anthropologist Henry T Wright!
Professor Mark Horton presenting to the local community, "Colonists: Lost and Found?"
Professor Mark Horton presenting to the local community at the Hatteras Island Ocean Center, "10,000 years on Hatteras Island"
Lead UoB graduate student, Charlie Goudge, and archaeologist Rosie Ireland reading to the local children at the Hatteras Public Library for 'Story Time with the Young Diggers.'
Artifact sorting activity for the young diggers.