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CAS Dig 2010
Our 1st Annual Spring Dig!
UoB students breaking ground for the 1st trench!
Lead Graduate Student, Louisa Pittman and UoB students sifting for finds.
A day of cleaning and cataloguing the finds.  CAS Board Member, Warren McMaster III in foreground.
A very busy day of digging.
Sifting for finds.
CAS Board Members, Scott Dawson and Ollie Jarvis at the sifter.
CAS Board Member, Warren McMaster III sifting for finds with UoB student, Leanne Bayliss.
Lead graduate student, Louisa Pittman and CAS Board Member, Scott Dawson sifting for finds with CAS Volunteers.
Professor Mark Horton charting and documenting a trench with UoB students.
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